Celebrating Great Women

My beautiful Mum was in her teens here with her own mother, the picture having been rescued from the archives where it was going mouldy. I peer closely and I realise big sized feet run in the family... Whew!
Today I want to shout out to these two wonderful women who in different ways shaped the course of my life.
Awesome women are not only those we see on the big and small screens and on social media, no! Nana and Mama are so worthy of praise and today I raise a shout out to them.
They were icons of style and good dress taste, and even in her 70s, Mama is still so on trend.
Nana took those difficult to handle topics by the horns and gave them to me piecemeal so I was ready for any guy; family or otherwise, who came to try and talk me out of my virtue after puberty aged 9, with fine words. And some did try.
The phenomenal cooking talent that spanned the generations with these two can be summed up in my Naija This and That spice, and my puff puff, pictured below.
No matter how many times I burnt the rice growing up, I always got called to cook it again. Their determination and consistency in what they believed has carried me to date.
Mumsy and Nana, you are awesome women who in spite of the obstacles, lived full, colourful, vibrant lives while clutching on to integrity.
I give you Twale, I hail you!
Which women have shaped your life and what would you say to them face to face?
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