Ileri Promise

O U R A M A Z I N G N E W N O N - F O O D P R O D U C T
A product for curly hair, black hair, natural or treated. Ileri… promise.
This product was tested on me over a five year period, and over the last two years has been tested on several others.
I struggled with my hair for more than 25 years: using chemicals to straighten and soften the hair, experiencing breakage, till a hair dresser of mine suggested I stop using chemicals as they appeared to suck all the moisture out of my hair.
So before it was trendy to have natural locks, I began twisting mine and experienced a level of growth, then subsequently breakage.
I started using Ileri Promise 4 years ago and was amazed at how quickly my hair started to grow. This product restored the natural moisture balance to my scalp, and I started to refer to it as 2CHR-Second chance hair restorer. Breakage reduced significantly, and my hair was softer and more manageable.

I shared this with friends and family and below are a few of their experiences:
“So I greatly recommend that everyone gives it a try no matter the kind of hair... natural or permed.”
“Maggie prepared the moisturizer for me about 3 weeks ago and I’ve been using it morning and night...
Interestingly the immediate remarkable changes I have noticed are that the breakage has greatly reduced, and secondly my usually coarse hair feels softer.”
“Maggie prepared the moisturizer for me about 3 weeks ago and I’ve been using it morning and night...
Interestingly the immediate remarkable changes I have noticed are that the breakage has greatly reduced, and secondly my usually coarse hair feels softer.”
I invite you to try our hair moisturiser and start your own recovery journey, where you will experience the following:
Softer more manageable locks on both black and mixed-race hair types.
Saving money on hair products. Works best without mixing with other products.
It loves warm climates, where you experience accelerated growth.
Initially you may need to spray on morning and evening till scalp balance is restored, then you just need to maintain balance with a daily spritz.
Hair does not require frequent washing.
Works in conjunction with a co wash, rather than a shampoo wash.
Lots of fine, hairline hairs get a new lease of growth.
Reduced breakage and increased body and length are some of the benefits I experienced.