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30 Day Menu Plan

30 Day Menu Plan

Today I am excited to share with you something that will engage the whole family (for a little while at least) and reap long term benefits for you on a long term basis.

I mention my book, 100 Things I Wish My Mother Had Told Me, a fair bit in my chats.

I think of this book as a prequel to the things I am sharing with you at the moment, so while it is not necessary to have it, it will give you some insight and perhaps help your journey with your growing family. It is available on Amazon in hard copy and as an eBook.

While chatting to a number of friends about food I have had the “yuk!” response about menus that they repeat every week and as a result now hate. Such as the mention of ‘liver and onions,’ which they had every Tuesday afternoon till they were 13. Actually liver and onions or liver lyonnaise is a fab meal if made correctly. My mother is an expert so I will do a video with her sometime.

Get the family to brainstorm their favourite meals and write them down till you have about 30 ideas from everybody contributing. You can do this for breakfast ideas also if you have younger children. Send these to me and I will send you back an organised menu for a month with shopping tips and ideas.

Usually it would cost £49.97 to send you back a beautiful PDF family menu but at this time I will provide this service to the first 10 people whose list I receive @ £4.99, the second 10 lists I receive @£9.99 and after that I will pick 2 lists randomly and give you your money back once you have paid and received your menu.

So get playing/brain storming with the family to have a month’s menu of foods that you all enjoy. And if this is not for you, pass it on to someone who will benefit!

It may also be possible to get tried and tested recipes from me… send me a message!

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